Nightly builds

Nightly builds are automatically produced at least once a day and include all the latest code (bug fixes and features) from maintainers and community contributors.

Nightly builds are not hand-tested before upload. A basic set of automated smoke tests is executed for each build ensuring that basic functionality is working. In addition we load arbitrary configurations to ensure there are no errors during config migration and system bootup.

Nightly builds are for you if you…

  • want to help us test latest VyOS code
  • want to check whether a bug is fixed in the latest code
  • made a patch and want to test it before making a pull request

Go to the nightly builds page.

LTS release

Prebuilt LTS release images are available to people and companies who help us move the project forward.

There are many ways to get access:

Or you can build an LTS image from source.

Legacy LTS releases

As a courtesy, we offer images of legacy LTS releases. To access all available legacy LTS releases, kindly complete the form below. Upon submission, you will receive an email containing links to download the images.